NYCC 2021

NYCC 2021

written by Desiree S. aka Da Geeky 1

Where it all started… October 6th 2021,  I was able to go back to the beginning… back to my roots of why I wanted to be a blogger for the geeks and by the geeks. New York City Comic Con.  While this may not be the grandest most large Con it is absolutely my fave Con because it was my first Comic Con. Way back in 2008 the Dame and I attended my first comic con at the Javits Center and I found my home away from home. When The Dame and I first started talking about creating what became Two Geeks and a Dame my goal was to get us into NYCC as press. I loved to write and he loved to tell me about all the things we would geek out about together.  Well there was no NYCC last year because of this fucking pandemic. I personally had to take a break from blogging for my mental and emotional health. But I am back and grateful to have been able to find my way back home to NYCC. This year I may not have been able to attend as the press. And yes that is still my goal. I was able to attend my favorite Cons. I worked it and it was an amazing experience. I was able to walk through the rows on the showroom floor while they were building up the set ups. It was absolutely wild to be able to do that. I got to meet a lot of the exhibitors while they were setting up. I am forever grateful to my friend who recommended me for the position I had for the Con.

Dragon Ball Z set up for NYCC

My first day of Comic Con they had me working in one of the Autograph Halls. I got to see William Shatner who was an absolute sweetie. George Takei (list of other actors) One thing my coworkers learned about me quickly was that I was a true geek and had a mass amount of knowledge about NYCC. I answered a lot of questions from the fans for someone who wasn’t a crew member or staff. I did have a moment where I Fan Girled the fuck out. I was sitting in my chair minding my business. A NYCC Staff member came up to my section showed me her pass and told me she would be taking this person to the back of house with her. Now I knew she was allowed to do this so I didn’t think much of it. I turned my head to see who she was walking with and I freaked out. It was Xavier Woods aka Mr. Austin Creed. I’m not sure if i was freaking out because I love the New Day or because I love his UP UP Down Down YouTube channel.

photo from Facebook Group

Either way I squealed like a fool and all my coworkers were looking at me like I’m crazy. He walked past me and said hello I damn near lost it.  That was my first Fan girl moment for the whole Con. I had a few of them. All of them were wrestling-related funny enough. I got to see Darby Allin and Adam Cole after they finished their AEW Takes Over NYCC Panel. I technically ran into Darby by accident while I was trying to put an ice pack in my sock. That one made me giggle.  Now just like every other NYCC Sunday is always the hardest day. My brain literally plays Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve as I walk the aisles for the last time. This year was a tad bit more difficult. After we got all of the fans out of the Show Floor I witness the magic be taken apart. They started breaking down the booths and rolling up the carpets. This year hit a lot differently. Overall I have to say this working experience definitely helped me remember the times I fell in love with NYCC. I cannot wait for next year!!!

Before the show set ups

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